YAARX: Yet Another ARX Toolkit  0.1
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file  add-approx.hh [code]
 Header file for add-approx.cc: XOR-linear approximations of modular addition. .
file  adp-arx.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-arx.cc:
file  adp-mul.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-mul.cc:
file  adp-rot.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-rot.cc:
file  adp-rsh-xor.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-rsh-xor.cc:
file  adp-shift.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-shift.cc:
file  adp-tea-f-fk-ddt.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-tea-f-fk-ddt.cc:
file  adp-tea-f-fk-noshift.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-tea-f-fk-noshift.cc:
file  adp-tea-f-fk.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-tea-f-fk.cc:
file  adp-xor-count-odiff.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-xor-count-odiff.cc: Count the number of possible output ADD differences after XOR. .
file  adp-xor-fi-count-odiff.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-xor-fi-count-odiff.cc: Count the number of possible output differences after the operation XOR with a fixed input (FI). .
file  adp-xor-fi.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-xor-fi.cc:
file  adp-xor-pddt.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-xor-pddt.cc.
file  adp-xor.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-xor.cc:
file  adp-xor3.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-xor3.cc:
file  adp-xtea-f-fk.hh [code]
 Header file for adp-xtea-f-fk.cc:
file  bsdr.hh [code]
 Header file for bsdr.cc:
file  common.hh [code]
 Header file for common.cc.
file  dp-matrix-minimize.hh [code]
 Minimize the size of a given set of transition probability matrices by detecting equivalent states.
file  eadp-tea-f.hh [code]
 Header file for eadp-tea-f.cc.
file  max-adp-arx.hh [code]
 Header file for max-adp-arx.cc:
file  max-adp-xor-fi.hh [code]
 Header file for max-adp-xor-fi.cc.
file  max-adp-xor.hh [code]
 Header file for max-adp-xor.cc.
file  max-adp-xor3-set.hh [code]
 Header file for max-adp-xor3-set.cc.
file  max-adp-xor3.hh [code]
 Header file for max-adp-xor3.cc.
file  max-xdp-add.hh [code]
 Header file for max-xdp-add.cc.
file  rc5-alex.hh [code]
 Header file for rc5-alex.cc: Differential Cryptanalysis of block cipher RC5: code from paper by [Biryukov, Kushilevitz, 1995]. .
file  rc5-blind-oracle.hh [code]
 Header file for rc5-blind-oracle.cc: RC5 analysis: "Smart" computation of constants for the plaintext structures. That constants are such that they ensure that there is no difference in the top 4 or 5 rotation constants. .
file  rc5-dc.hh [code]
 Header file for rc5-dc.cc: Differential Cryptanalysis of block cipher RC5 . .
file  rc5-eq.hh [code]
 Header file for rc5-eq.cc: Procedures for solving certain equations arising during the differential analysis of block cipher RC5 . One such equation is the following equation in x from the last round of RC5: .
file  rc5-lwcs.hh [code]
 Header file for rc5-lwcs.cc: Low-weight codeword search for block cipher RC5 . .
file  rc5-ref.hh [code]
 Header file for rc5-ref.cc: Analysis of block cipher RC5 . .
file  salsa.hh [code]
 Header file for salsa.cc: Analysis of block cipher Salsa20. .
file  simon-xor-best-trails.hh [code]
 best found trails for Simon using threshold search
file  simon-xor-ddt-search.hh [code]
 Header file for xdp-rot-and.cc: Automatic search for XOR differentials in block cipher Simon32 (16 bit words) using either the full DDT or a complete partial DDT for all differences with max Hamming weight 5. .
file  simon-xor-threshold-search.hh [code]
 Header file for xdp-rot-and.cc:
file  simon.hh [code]
 Header file for simon.cc:
file  speck-trails.hh [code]
file  speck-xor-best-trails.hh [code]
 best found trails for Speck using threshold search
file  speck-xor-threshold-search.hh [code]
 Header file for xdp-rot-and.cc:
file  speck.hh [code]
 Header file for speck.cc: Analysis of block cipher Speck [ePrint 2013/404]. .
file  tea-add-ddt-search.hh [code]
 Declarations for tea-add-ddt-search.cc.
file  tea-add-threshold-search.hh [code]
 Header for tea-add-threshold-search.cc.
file  tea-f-add-pddt.hh [code]
 Header file for tea-f-add-pddt.cc.
file  tea.hh [code]
 Header file for tea.cc.
file  threefish-add.hh [code]
 Header file for threefish.cc:
file  threefish-xor.hh [code]
 Header file for threefish.cc:
file  threefish.hh [code]
 Header file for threefish.cc:
file  xdp-add-diff-set.hh [code]
 Header file for xdp-add-diff-set.cc:
file  xdp-add-pddt.hh [code]
 Header file for xdp-add-pddt.cc.
file  xdp-add.hh [code]
 Header file for xdp-add.cc:
file  xdp-and.hh [code]
 Header file for xdp-and.cc:
file  xdp-rot-and.hh [code]
 Header file for xdp-rot-and.cc:
file  xdp-tea-f-fk.hh [code]
 Header file for xdp-tea-f-fk.cc.
file  xdp-xtea-f-fk.hh [code]
 Header file for xdp-xtea-f-fk.cc.
file  xlp-add.hh [code]
 Header file for xlp-add.cc:
file  xtea-add-threshold-search.hh [code]
 Header file for xtea-add-threshold-search.cc.
file  xtea-f-add-pddt.hh [code]
 Declarations for xtea-f-add-pddt.cc.
file  xtea-f-xor-pddt.hh [code]
 Header for xtea-f-xor-pddt.cc.
file  xtea-xor-threshold-search.hh [code]
 Header file for xtea-xor-threshold-search.cc.
file  xtea.hh [code]
 Header file for xtea.cc.