YAARX: Yet Another ARX Toolkit  0.1
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file  add-approx.cc
 XOR-linear approximations of modular addition.
file  adp-arx.cc
 The ADD differential probability of the sequence of operations: ADD, LROT, XOR (ARX): $\mathrm{adp}^{\mathrm{ARX}}(da,db,dd \rightarrow de)$.
file  adp-lsh-program.cc
 The probability $\mathrm{adp}^{\ll}$ with user-provided input.
file  adp-mul.cc
 The ADD differential probability of modular multiplication (MUL): $\mathrm{adp}^{\odot}$.
file  adp-rot-program.cc
 The probability $\mathrm{adp}^{\mathrm{lrot}}$ with user-provided input.
file  adp-rot.cc
 The ADD differential probability of (left) rotation (LROT): $\mathrm{adp}^{\mathrm{lrot}}$.
file  adp-rsh-program.cc
 The probability $\mathrm{adp}^{\gg}$ with user-provided input.
file  adp-rsh-xor.cc
 The ADD differential probability of right shift followed by XOR: $\mathrm{adp}^{\gg\oplus}$.
file  adp-shift.cc
 The ADD differential probability of left shift (LSH): $\mathrm{adp}^{\ll}$ and right shift (RSH): $\mathrm{adp}^{\gg}$.
file  adp-tea-f-fk-ddt.cc
 Computing the full difference distribution table (DDT) for the F-function of block cipher TEA by exaustive search over all inputs. Complexity $O(2^{2n})$.
file  adp-tea-f-fk-noshift.cc
 The additive differential probability (ADP) of a modified version of the F-function of TEA with the shift operations removed. Complexity $O(n)$.
file  adp-tea-f-fk.cc
 The ADD differential probability of the F-function of TEA for a fixed key and round constants $\mathrm{adp}^{F}(k_0, k_1, \delta |~ da \rightarrow dd)$, where $ F(k_0, k_1, \delta |~ x) = ((x \ll 4) + k_0) \oplus (x + \delta) \oplus ((x \gg 5) + k_1)$ Complexity: $ O(n) < c \le O(2^n) $.
file  adp-xor-count-odiff.cc
 Count the number of possible output ADD differences after XOR.
file  adp-xor-fi-count-odiff.cc
 Count the number of possible output differences after the operation XOR with a fixed input (FI).
file  adp-xor-fi-program.cc
 The probability $\mathrm{adp}^{\oplus}_{\mathrm{FI}}$ with user-provided input.
file  adp-xor-fi.cc
 The ADD differential probability of XOR with one fixed input (FI): $\mathrm{adp}^{\oplus}_{\mathrm{FI}}(a,db \rightarrow db)$.
file  adp-xor-pddt.cc
 Compute a partial difference distribution table (pDDT) for $\mathrm{adp}^{\oplus}$.
file  adp-xor-program.cc
 The probability $\mathrm{adp}^{\oplus}$ with user-provided input.
file  adp-xor.cc
 The ADD differential probability of XOR $\mathrm{adp}^{\oplus}(da,db \rightarrow db)$.
file  adp-xor3-program.cc
 The probability ( $\mathrm{adp}^{3\oplus}$) with user-provided input.
file  adp-xor3.cc
 The ADD differential probability of XOR with three inputs ( $3\oplus$): $\mathrm{adp}^{3\oplus}(da,db,dc \rightarrow dd)$.
file  adp-xtea-f-fk.cc
 The ADD differential probability of the F-function of XTEA for a fixed key and round constants $\mathrm{adp}^{F}(k, \delta |~ da \rightarrow dd)$. Complexity: $ O(n) < c \le O(2^n) $.
file  bsdr.cc
 Functions related to binary-signed digit representation (BSDR) of integers.
file  common.cc
 Common functions used accross all YAARX programs.
file  eadp-tea-f-program.cc
 The probability $\mathrm{eadp}^{F}(da \rightarrow dd)$ with user-provided input.
file  eadp-tea-f.cc
 The expected additive differential probability (EADP) of the F-function of TEA, averaged over all round keys and constants: $\mathrm{eadp}^{F}(da \rightarrow dd)$. Complexity: $O(n)$.
file  idea-ref.cc
file  idea.cc
 Analysis of block cipher IDEA.
file  max-adp-arx.cc
 The maximum ADD differential probability of the sequence of operations: ADD, LROT, XOR (ARX): $\max_{de}~\mathrm{adp}^{\mathrm{ARX}}(da,db,dd \rightarrow de)$.
file  max-adp-xor-fi-program.cc
 The probability ( $\max_{dc} \mathrm{adp}^{\oplus}(a, db \rightarrow dc)$) with user-provided input.
file  max-adp-xor-fi.cc
 The maximum ADD differential probability of XOR with one fixed input: $\max_{dc} \mathrm{adp}^{\oplus}_{\mathrm{FI}}(a, db \rightarrow dc)$.
file  max-adp-xor-program.cc
 Maximum ADD differential probability of XOR ( $\max_{dc} \mathrm{adp}^{\oplus}(da, db \rightarrow dc)$) with user-provided input.
file  max-adp-xor.cc
 The maximum ADD differential probability of XOR: $\max_{dc} \mathrm{adp}^{\oplus}(da, db \rightarrow dc)$.
file  max-adp-xor3-program.cc
 The probability $\max_{dd}~\mathrm{adp}^{3\oplus}(da, db, dc \rightarrow dd)$ with user-provided input.
file  max-adp-xor3-set.cc
 The maximum ADD differential probability of XOR with three inputs, where one of the inputs satisfies a set of ADD differences: $\max_{dd}~\mathrm{adp}^{\oplus}_{\mathrm{SET}}(da, db, \{{dc}_0, {dc}_1, \ldots\} \rightarrow dd)$.
file  max-adp-xor3.cc
 The maximum ADD differential probability of XOR with three inputs: $\max_{dd}~\mathrm{adp}^{3\oplus}(da, db, dc \rightarrow dd)$.
file  max-eadp-tea-f-program.cc
 The probability $\max_{dd} \mathrm{eadp}^{F}(da \rightarrow dd)$ with user-provided input.
file  max-xdp-add-program.cc
 The probability $\max_{dc} \mathrm{xdp}^{+}(da, db \rightarrow dc)$ with user-provided input.
file  max-xdp-add.cc
 The maximum XOR differential probability of ADD: $\max_{dc} \mathrm{xdp}^{+}(da, db \rightarrow dc)$.
file  rc5-alex.cc
 Differential Cryptanalysis of block cipher RC5: code from paper by [Biryukov, Kushilevitz, 1995].
file  rc5-blind-oracle.cc
 RC5 analysis: "Smart" computation of constants for the plaintext structures. That constants are such that they ensure that there is no difference in the top 4 or 5 rotation constants.
file  rc5-dc.cc
 Differential Cryptanalysis of block cipher RC5 .
file  rc5-eq.cc
 Procedures for solving certain equations arising during the differential analysis of block cipher RC5 . One such equation is the following equation in x from the last round of RC5:
file  rc5-lwcs.cc
 Low-weight codeword search for block cipher RC5 .
file  rc5-ref.cc
 Analysis of block cipher RC5 .
file  salsa.cc
 Analysis of block cipher Salsa20.
file  simon-xor-ddt-search.cc
 Automatic search for XOR differentials in block cipher Simon32 (16 bit words) using either the full DDT or a complete partial DDT for all differences with max Hamming weight 5.
file  simon-xor-threshold-search.cc
 Automatic search for XOR differentials in block cipher Simon.
file  simon.cc
 Analysis of block cipher Simon [ePrint 2013/404].
file  solve-gf2.cc
 Solving linear systems of Boolean equations using Gaussain elimination.
file  speck-xor-ddt-search.cc
 Automatic search for XOR differentials in block cipher Speck using full DDT.
file  speck-xor-threshold-search.cc
 Tests for automatic search for XOR differentials in block cipher Speck .
file  speck.cc
 Analysis of block cipher Speck [ePrint 2013/404].
file  tea-add-ddt-search.cc
 Automatic search for ADD differential trails in TEA using full DDT-s.
file  tea-add-threshold-search.cc
 Automatic search for ADD differential trails in block cipher TEA.
file  tea-f-add-pddt.cc
 Computing an ADD partial difference distribution table (pDDT) for the F-function of block cipher TEA.
file  tea.cc
 Common functions used in the analysis of TEA.
file  threefish-add.cc
 Analysis of block cipher Threefish w.r.t. ADD differences.
file  threefish-xor.cc
 Analysis of block cipher Threefish w.r.t. (sets of) XOR differences.
file  threefish.cc
 Analysis of block cipher Threefish – common routines.
file  tweetcipher-ref.cc
file  xdp-add-diff-set.cc
 Functions for working with sets of XOR differences w.r.t. addition: $\mathrm{xdp}^{+}(A,B \rightarrow C)$ (See also: xdp-add.cc).
file  xdp-add-pddt.cc
 Compute a partial difference distribution table (pDDT) for $\mathrm{xdp}^{+}$.
file  xdp-add-program.cc
 Program for computing $\mathrm{xdp}^{+}$ with user-provided input.
file  xdp-add.cc
 The XOR differential probability of ADD $\mathrm{xdp}^{+}(da,db \rightarrow db)$.
file  xdp-and.cc
 The XOR differential probability of AND $\mathrm{xdp}^{\wedge}(da,db \rightarrow db)$.
file  xdp-rot-and.cc
 The XOR differential probability of the sequence of ROT and AND: $b = f(a) = (a~\mathrm{rot}~s) \wedge (a~\mathrm{rot}~t)$: $\mathrm{xdp}^{\mathrm{rot}\wedge}(da \rightarrow db)$.
file  xdp-tea-f-fk.cc
 The XOR differential probability (XDP) of the F-function of TEA for a fixed key and round constants: $\mathrm{xdp}^{F}(k_0, k_1, \delta |~ da \rightarrow dd)$.
file  xdp-xtea-f-fk.cc
 The XOR differential probability (XDP) of the F-function of XTEA for a fixed key and round constants: $\mathrm{xdp}^{F}(k, \delta |~ da \rightarrow dd)$.
file  xlp-add.cc
 The XOR linear probability of ADD $\mathrm{xlp}^{+}(ma,mb \rightarrow mb)$.
file  xtea-add-threshold-search.cc
 Automatic search for ADD differential trails in block cipher XTEA.
file  xtea-f-add-pddt.cc
 Computing an ADD partial difference distribution table (pDDT) for the F-function of block cipher XTEA.
file  xtea-f-xor-pddt.cc
 Computing an XOR partial difference distribution table (pDDT) for the F-function of block cipher XTEA.
file  xtea-xor-threshold-search.cc
 Automatic search for XOR differential trails in block cipher XTEA.
file  xtea.cc
 Common functions used in the analysis of block cipher XTEA.