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simon-xor-threshold-search.cc File Reference

Automatic search for XOR differentials in block cipher Simon. More...

#include "common.hh"
#include "xdp-and.hh"
#include "xdp-rot-and.hh"
#include "simon.hh"
#include "simon-xor-threshold-search.hh"


#define PRINT_NODE_INFO   0
#define VERBOSE   1
#define PRINT_TRAIL_FILE   1
#define PRINT_TRAIL   0
#define CLEAR_CROADS   1


std::string trail_to_string (differential_t *trail, uint32_t trail_len)
std::string diff_to_string (differential_t *trail, uint32_t trail_len)
std::string differential_to_string (const differential_t diff)
uint32_t differential_to_num (const differential_t diff)
void simon_print_diff_array (std::array< differential_t, SIMON_NDIFFS > diff_array)
void simon_print_diff_hash_map (boost::unordered_map< std::array< differential_t, SIMON_NDIFFS >, uint32_t, simon_diff_hash, simon_diff_equal_to > diffs_hash_map)
void simon_print_trail_array (std::array< differential_t, NROUNDS > trail_array)
void simon_print_trail_hash_map (boost::unordered_map< std::array< differential_t, NROUNDS >, uint32_t, simon_trail_hash, simon_trail_equal_to > trails_hash_map)
void simon_print_round_diffs_latex (FILE *fp, uint32_t nrounds, uint32_t keys[4], differential_t trail[NROUNDS+1])
uint32_t simon_xor_threshold_count_lp (differential_t trail[NROUNDS], uint32_t trail_len, double p_thres)
uint32_t simon_verify_xor_trail (uint32_t nrounds, uint32_t npairs, uint32_t key_in[SIMON_MAX_NROUNDS], differential_t trail[NROUNDS], uint32_t dy_init, uint32_t lrot_const_s, uint32_t lrot_const_t, uint32_t lrot_const_u)
void simon_trail_to_round_diffs (differential_t trail_in[NROUNDS], differential_t round_diffs[NROUNDS+1], uint32_t nrounds, uint32_t lrot_const_s, uint32_t lrot_const_t, uint32_t lrot_const_u)
uint32_t simon_verify_xor_differential (uint32_t nrounds, uint32_t npairs, uint32_t key_in[SIMON_MAX_NROUNDS], differential_t trail_in[NROUNDS], uint32_t dy_init, uint32_t lrot_const_s, uint32_t lrot_const_t, uint32_t lrot_const_u)
void simon_diff_graph_print_nodes (std::map< simon_diff_graph_node_t, simon_diff_graph_node_t, simon_diff_graph_node_comp > V)
bool simon_diff_vec_comp (std::pair< simon_diff_graph_node_t, simon_diff_graph_node_t > a, std::pair< simon_diff_graph_node_t, simon_diff_graph_node_t > b)
void simon_diff_graph_extract_nodes (std::vector< simon_diff_graph_edge_t > E, std::map< simon_diff_graph_node_t, simon_diff_graph_node_t, simon_diff_graph_node_comp > *V)
void simon_cluster_trails_datfile_read (std::vector< simon_diff_graph_edge_t > *E)
void simon_graphviz_write_file (char *datfile, char *datfile_con, std::vector< simon_diff_graph_edge_t > E)
double simon_verify_differential_approx (const uint32_t key_in[SIMON_MAX_NROUNDS], const differential_t input_diff, const differential_t output_diff, const uint32_t nrounds, const uint64_t npairs, std::vector< simon_diff_graph_edge_t > *E)
double simon_verify_differential (const uint32_t key_in[SIMON_MAX_NROUNDS], const differential_t input_diff, const differential_t output_diff, const uint32_t nrounds, const uint64_t npairs, std::vector< simon_diff_graph_edge_t > *E)
void simon_print_hash_table (std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > trails_hash_map, uint32_t trail_len)
void simon_boost_new_trail_store_to_file (uint32_t dx_in, uint32_t dy_in, differential_t trail[NROUNDS], uint32_t trail_len)
void simon_boost_print_hash_table (boost::unordered_map< std::array< differential_t, NROUNDS >, uint32_t, simon_trail_hash, simon_trail_equal_to > trails_hash_map, uint32_t trail_len)
void simon_print_diff_hash_table (std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > diffs_hash_map, uint32_t nrounds)
void simon_boost_print_diff_hash_table (boost::unordered_map< std::array< differential_t, SIMON_NDIFFS >, uint32_t, simon_diff_hash, simon_diff_equal_to > diffs_hash_map)
void simon_trails_hash_map_add_new (differential_t diff[NROUNDS], const uint32_t trail_len, std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > *trails_hash_map)
void simon_diffs_hash_map_add_new (differential_t diff[NROUNDS], const uint32_t trail_len, std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > *diffs_hash_map)
void simon_hash_map_update (differential_t diff[NROUNDS], const uint32_t trail_len, std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > *diffs_hash_map, std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > *trails_hash_map, differential_t **diff_max)
void simon_boost_hash_map_update (differential_t diff[NROUNDS], const uint32_t trail_len, boost::unordered_map< std::array< differential_t, SIMON_NDIFFS >, uint32_t, simon_diff_hash, simon_diff_equal_to > *diffs_hash_map, boost::unordered_map< std::array< differential_t, NROUNDS >, uint32_t, simon_trail_hash, simon_trail_equal_to > *trails_hash_map, differential_t **diff_max)
uint32_t simon_diffsets_remove_rot_equivalent (std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *diff_mset_p, std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *diff_set_dx_dy)
uint32_t simon_diffsets_remove_rot_equivalent_diff (differential_t diff, std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *diff_mset_p)
void simon_xor_threshold_search (const int n, const int nrounds, double B[NROUNDS], double *Bn, const differential_t diff_in[NROUNDS], differential_t trail[NROUNDS], const uint32_t dyy_init, uint32_t lrot_const_s, uint32_t lrot_const_t, uint32_t lrot_const_u, std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *diff_mset_p, std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *diff_set_dx_dy, std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *hways_diff_mset_p, std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *hways_diff_set_dx_dy, std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *croads_diff_mset_p, std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *croads_diff_set_dx_dy, boost::unordered_map< std::array< differential_t, SIMON_NDIFFS >, uint32_t, simon_diff_hash, simon_diff_equal_to > *diffs_hash_map, boost::unordered_map< std::array< differential_t, NROUNDS >, uint32_t, simon_trail_hash, simon_trail_equal_to > *trails_hash_map, differential_t **diff_max, bool b_hash_map, double p_eps, double p_thres)
void simon_diff_mset_p_to_mset_hw (std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > diff_mset_p, std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_hw > *diff_mset_hw)
uint32_t simon_xor_trail_search (uint32_t key[SIMON_MAX_NROUNDS], double B[NROUNDS], differential_t best_trail[NROUNDS], uint32_t *best_trail_len)
void simon_xor_cluster_trails (const int n, const int nrounds, const double B[NROUNDS], const differential_t diff_in[NROUNDS], const differential_t best_trail[NROUNDS], std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > *trails_hash_map, const differential_t input_diff, const differential_t output_diff, uint32_t lrot_const_s, uint32_t lrot_const_t, uint32_t lrot_const_u, std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *diff_mset_p, std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *diff_set_dx_dy, std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *croads_diff_mset_p, std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *croads_diff_set_dx_dy, double eps)
void simon_trail_cluster_search (std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > *trails_hash_map, double B[NROUNDS], const differential_t trail_in[NROUNDS], uint32_t trail_len, uint32_t *dyy_init)
void simon_xor_cluster_trails_boost (const int n, const int nrounds, const double B[NROUNDS], const differential_t diff_in[NROUNDS], const differential_t best_trail[NROUNDS], boost::unordered_map< std::array< differential_t, NROUNDS >, uint32_t, simon_trail_hash, simon_trail_equal_to > *trails_hash_map, const differential_t input_diff, const differential_t output_diff, uint32_t lrot_const_s, uint32_t lrot_const_t, uint32_t lrot_const_u, std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *diff_mset_p, std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *diff_set_dx_dy, std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *hways_diff_mset_p, std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *hways_diff_set_dx_dy, std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *croads_diff_mset_p, std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *croads_diff_set_dx_dy, double eps)
void simon_trail_cluster_search_boost (boost::unordered_map< std::array< differential_t, NROUNDS >, uint32_t, simon_trail_hash, simon_trail_equal_to > *trails_hash_map, double B[NROUNDS], const differential_t trail_in[NROUNDS], uint32_t trail_len, uint32_t *dyy_init)

Detailed Description

Automatic search for XOR differentials in block cipher Simon.

V.Velichkov, vesse.nosp@m.lin..nosp@m.velic.nosp@m.hkov.nosp@m.@uni..nosp@m.lu

Function Documentation

void simon_diffs_hash_map_add_new ( differential_t  diff[NROUNDS],
const uint32_t  trail_len,
std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > *  diffs_hash_map 

Add new differential in the hash table.

void simon_hash_map_update ( differential_t  diff[NROUNDS],
const uint32_t  trail_len,
std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > *  diffs_hash_map,
std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > *  trails_hash_map,
differential_t **  diff_max 

Check if a trail and its corresponding diferential are already in the hash maps and if not – add them. Also update the probability of the maximum differential if necessary.

void simon_trail_cluster_search ( std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > *  trails_hash_map,
double  B[NROUNDS],
const differential_t  trail_in[NROUNDS],
uint32_t  trail_len,
uint32_t *  dyy_init 

Search for differentials in Simon: a wrapper for simon_xor_cluster_trails

trails_hash_maphash table for storing the trails
Barray of best diff. prob. for N rounds computed with simon_xor_threshold_search
trailBest found trail with simon_xor_threshold_search
taril_lenlength of trail
void simon_trail_to_round_diffs ( differential_t  trail_in[NROUNDS],
differential_t  round_diffs[NROUNDS+1],
uint32_t  nrounds,
uint32_t  lrot_const_s,
uint32_t  lrot_const_t,
uint32_t  lrot_const_u 

Transforms a trail obtained using threshold search into a sequence of input/output differences to each round suitable for verifying the trail.

void simon_trails_hash_map_add_new ( differential_t  diff[NROUNDS],
const uint32_t  trail_len,
std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > *  trails_hash_map 

Add new trail in the hash table.

uint32_t simon_verify_xor_differential ( uint32_t  nrounds,
uint32_t  npairs,
uint32_t  key_in[SIMON_MAX_NROUNDS],
differential_t  trail_in[NROUNDS],
uint32_t  dy_init,
uint32_t  lrot_const_s,
uint32_t  lrot_const_t,
uint32_t  lrot_const_u 

Given an XOR trail for $N$ rounds, experimentally verify the probabilities of the corresponding $N$ differentials:

  - Differential for 1 round: round 0. 
  - Differential for 2 rounds: rounds \form#316. 
  - Differential for 3 rounds: rounds \form#317. 
  -  \form#318
  - Differential for \form#315 rounds: rounds \form#319. 
uint32_t simon_verify_xor_trail ( uint32_t  nrounds,
uint32_t  npairs,
uint32_t  key_in[SIMON_MAX_NROUNDS],
differential_t  trail[NROUNDS],
uint32_t  dy_init,
uint32_t  lrot_const_s,
uint32_t  lrot_const_t,
uint32_t  lrot_const_u 

Experimentally verify the probability of all 1-round differentials from which an N round trail for Simon is composed.

void simon_xor_cluster_trails ( const int  n,
const int  nrounds,
const double  B[NROUNDS],
const differential_t  diff_in[NROUNDS],
const differential_t  best_trail[NROUNDS],
std::unordered_map< std::string, differential_t ** > *  trails_hash_map,
const differential_t  input_diff,
const differential_t  output_diff,
uint32_t  lrot_const_s,
uint32_t  lrot_const_t,
uint32_t  lrot_const_u,
std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *  diff_mset_p,
std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *  diff_set_dx_dy,
std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *  croads_diff_mset_p,
std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *  croads_diff_set_dx_dy,
double  eps 

Compute (an approximation of) the probability of a differential corresponding to the best trail found by simon_xor_threshold_search . The algorithm grows a cluster of differential trails, each of which connects the input and outout differences corresponding to the best found trail. The sum of their probabilities is an approximation of the prob. of the differential.

Barray of the probabilities of the best found trails for up to simon_xor_threshold_search nrounds . Computed by
trailbest trail found by simon_xor_threshold_search .
input_diffinput difference of the differential.
output_diffoutput difference of the differential.
epstimes away from the optimal (e.g. eps = 2, 3, 2^{10}, ...).
uint32_t simon_xor_threshold_count_lp ( differential_t  trail[NROUNDS],
uint32_t  trail_len,
double  p_thres 

Count the number of differentials in a trail that have probabilities below a given threshold.

traila differential trail for trail_len rounds.
trail_lenlength of the differential trail.
p_thresprobability threshold.
See Also
void simon_xor_threshold_search ( const int  n,
const int  nrounds,
double  B[NROUNDS],
double *  Bn,
const differential_t  diff_in[NROUNDS],
differential_t  trail[NROUNDS],
const uint32_t  dyy_init,
uint32_t  lrot_const_s,
uint32_t  lrot_const_t,
uint32_t  lrot_const_u,
std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *  diff_mset_p,
std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *  diff_set_dx_dy,
std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *  hways_diff_mset_p,
std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *  hways_diff_set_dx_dy,
std::multiset< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_p > *  croads_diff_mset_p,
std::set< differential_t, struct_comp_diff_dx_dy > *  croads_diff_set_dx_dy,
boost::unordered_map< std::array< differential_t, SIMON_NDIFFS >, uint32_t, simon_diff_hash, simon_diff_equal_to > *  diffs_hash_map,
boost::unordered_map< std::array< differential_t, NROUNDS >, uint32_t, simon_trail_hash, simon_trail_equal_to > *  trails_hash_map,
differential_t **  diff_max,
bool  b_hash_map,
double  p_eps,
double  p_thres 

The pDDT contains entries of the form (dx, dy, p) where dx and dy are resp. the input and output differences of the ROT-AND component f of Simon: y = f(x) = (x <<< s) & (x <<< t)

If b_hash_map is TRUE, then the algorithm searches for differentials and stores them in diffs_hash_map

dyy_initinitial right input difference to Simon
uint32_t simon_xor_trail_search ( uint32_t  key[SIMON_MAX_NROUNDS],
double  B[NROUNDS],
differential_t  best_trail[NROUNDS],
uint32_t *  best_trail_len 
best_trailbest found trail with prob. below exhaustive search
lowp_trailbest found trail with prob. above exhaustive search (best low prob. trail)